Alien Alphabets #1, Tehran Walls

Alien Alphabets #1
Tehran Walls

Art of the Working Class, First Issue, 2018


Centerfold-poster in the new magazine Arts of the Working Class. A Mapping and Typology of the mysterious signs covering Tehran’s city walls, which are actually caused by the different gestures in which glue was applied on the back of advertisement-posters which then were stuck to the walls. After the posters fall off, the signs remain visible years later. The vector-drawings are taken from photographs (2 of them are printed of the backside of the poster) which will be published in the forthcoming photo-book Alien Alphabets #1, Tehran Walls

Aus dem Editorial von Art of the working Class:
„Beim Spazieren durch die iranische Hauptstadt, Teheran, fotografierte Michael Hakimi, Klebespuren, die einst Plakate im öffentlichen Raum hielten, aber dabei selbst Botschaften der klebenden Arbeiter überliefern. In der Mitte des Heftes findet sich als Plakat eine katalogisierte Analyse dieser Zeichen.“




Backside of the poster (right): One of the photographs from which the typological drawings are taken







Backside of the poster (left): One of the photographs from which the typological drawings are taken







Cover of the magazine